Sur l'agenda | Appels à contribution

Appel à poster > Corporate Interests and Public Health. Knowledge, Expertise, Markets – 20 septembre 2019

Conférence finale du projet ANR MEDICI, 9-11 décembre 2019

La conférence finale du projet ANR MEDICI, intitulée "Corporate Interests and Public Health. Knowledge, Expertise, Markets", se tiendra à Paris les 9-11 décembre 2019. Cette conférence réunira les membres du projet et des chercheurs internationaux spécialistes de la question de l'influence et des conflits d'intérêts, parmi lesquels Sergio Sismondo, Marc Rodwin, Jeremy A. Greene et d'autres.

L'appel à posters peut être l'occasion pour des doctorant.e.s de présenter leurs terrains et leurs travaux autour de la thématique de l'influence des intérêts industriels sur la santé publique au cours d'une session dédiée de cette conférence.

Les frais de transport et d'hébergement seront pris en charge pour les personnes sélectionnées qui viendraient de province ou de l'étranger.

Les propositions doivent être soumises avant le 20 septembre 2019.


Call for posters

In the context of the final conference of the ANR funded MEDICI project on Conflict of interest in the field of medicines (, we welcome poster proposals authored by young researchers (priority will be given to PhD candidates) that address the issue of corporate influence on public health. The proposals could address one or several of the four main lines of research around which the final conference is organized, namely corporate influence on: 1) the production of scientific knowledge on public health matters (medicines, occupational health, etc.), 2) regulatory expertise and agencies, 3) health professionals and medical practices, and 4) critiques, mobilizations and controversies.

The posters will be presented during the conference, which will be held in Paris, France on December 9, 10 and 11, 2019. The poster presentations will benefit from a specific slot in the program, so that conference participants can have plenty of time to discuss with their authors.

Please note we will offer travel grants (that will include transportation + accommodation) so that international students can join us in Paris. The posters will be selected on the basis of 2-page abstracts (including references) that should include:

• Poster title + author name, affiliation and contact

• Submissions must precisely present the research question, methodology and analytical framework

• Submissions will also precisely describe the scientific interest of the proposal with regards to existing literature on conflict of interest in public health

Proposals must be submitted by Wednesday, September 20, 2019 by email to:, and with the object “Poster proposal for Corporate Interest and Public Health conference”. The authors will receive a response by early October 2019.

A consulter :

Sorbonne Paris Nord

Bâtiment Recherche Sud
5 cours des Humanités
93322 Aubervilliers cedex

UFR SMBH 74 rue Marcel Cachin, 93017 Bobigny cedex



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